

These questions are asked all the time on my YouTube channel. To keep my channel organized, I shall answer the questions here. If you have a specific question, comment away on the blog or PM me or drop a comment on my latest video

Q: What camera do you use?
A: For my most recent and future videos I use a Cannon EOS Rebel T3i. The bulk of my videos were filmed on a Sony Cybershot DSC-W350.

Q: How long does it take to make a MOC building?
A: It all depends on how detailed it is, the parts I have available, and how focused I am. I'd say the average building I do takes about a week.

Q: Do you still do stop-motion animations?
A: Yes, I do and have a pretty darn cool idea for a new one. Unfortunately, I do not have enough time at the moment to put into making a new animation, but when I find time you bet your boots I'll try to make that happen.

Q: Will you voice for my stop-motion?
A: Of course! Message me through YouTube or pop over an email at

Q: What's your favorite LEGO theme?
A: It does change around, but right now I'm enjoying Star Wars, but City and the LEGO Direct/Creator are probably my longest standing preferred themes. All-time favorite might have to be the original Agents line, though.

Q: What is your favorite LEGO set?
A: I'm hard-pressed to choose from the Agents Mobile Command Center, Pet Shop, and the latest Republic Gunship. All the modular buildings hold a special place in my heart.

Q: Do you have social media outside of YouTube and this blog?
A: YES! I'm glad you asked. I have a Google+ under the name TopperTwist, and a new Twitter with the handle @TheTopperTweets
I also have a brick set account, and Flickr, but both are hardly used.

Q: Do you have any hobbies outside of LEGO and filmmaking?
A: Yes, tons! You can learn a bit more about yours truly in the "About Me" Section of this blog. In short I like The Sims, drawing, running, science, Playstation, and spending time being weird with my friends.