
Friday, June 27, 2014

Welcome Wagon, Minus the Wagon

Hello there! I'm giving this blog a much needed update, and here I shall make more of an effort to update you guys weekly. If you stumbled across this blog by accident, I go by Topper and run a YouTube page called "TopperTwist" where I review LEGO, and share my custom LEGO creations. I am a dedicated student, so unfortunately my postings have been less that consistent, but posting a tidbit on a blog is certainly easier than making a whole update video, so I shall try to give you guys the 'haps in regards to YouTube videos here on this page. 

This blog will mainly just cover topics that have to due with my YouTube page, however, some other randomness may occur. Feel free to check out the "About Me" and "FAQ" pages for more information. 

Welcome, friends