
Friday, January 9, 2015

LEGO Apartment and Coffeeshop Modular MOC

Hey all! This is the most recent MOC in the style of Cafe Corner, also known as the modular building style.

For oh-so-many more angles and views of this MOC, particularly on the interior, check out this here wonderful YouTube video:

Hey January! What's in store this month?

Hello all, I will be posting these updates every month to describe all the videos and other changes expected to be occurring during the corresponding month. This month has been particularly busy, as I am rebooting my YouTube channel to hopefully restore it to it's former glory, and even improve. So far I have uploaded a review of the brand new Detective's Office, and a new apartment/coffeeshop MOC. Other videos to (hopefully) expect this month include:
-Review of the LEGO AT-AT (most recent version)
-Another MOC
-Review of another small Star Wars set
-Review of the Santa's Workshop set (if y'all wanna see it)

That's what the video schedule looks like tentatively. Other changes that have/will occur soon include:
-An epic new logo [done]
-New channel/Google+ banner [done]
-Cleaning up the channel by throwing some crummy videos onto private to ensure great quality videos throughout the entire YouTube page [in the works]
-Creating an end slate [done, and really cool, fyi]
-Making an intro [in progress]
-New video AND photo editing software [done]

That's a lot of great new stuff, I've been working extremely hard to up the production value of my videos and expanding throughout multiple social media platforms. You can find me on YouTube, Google+, and now Twitter @TheTopperTweets

Thanks for reading


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Hey December, What's Going On?

Hey friends!

The month of December is by far my favorite month of the year, mostly due to my borderline scary love for Christmas and the holidays. But in terms of YouTube goodness, the things that will (hopefully) happen this month include:

-The giveaway!
-Review of the LEGO Santa's Workshop
-Review of LEGO AT-AT
-Christmas Haul 2014

I hope on getting all that fun stuff taken care of this month. I'm filming a review this morning, but that's the last video I'm filming until the week of Christmas. I am a dedicated student and finals is coming up, and studying must be done, as you all understand. I will be very busy the next two weeks with school, but will still send out the giveaway prize once it ends on 12/12 and hopefully post the next review. After that I'm on vacation but still have work, homework and will be spending time with friends and family, but should have more freetime to make videos. Let me know what you think! Brick on, friends


Friday, June 27, 2014

Welcome Wagon, Minus the Wagon

Hello there! I'm giving this blog a much needed update, and here I shall make more of an effort to update you guys weekly. If you stumbled across this blog by accident, I go by Topper and run a YouTube page called "TopperTwist" where I review LEGO, and share my custom LEGO creations. I am a dedicated student, so unfortunately my postings have been less that consistent, but posting a tidbit on a blog is certainly easier than making a whole update video, so I shall try to give you guys the 'haps in regards to YouTube videos here on this page. 

This blog will mainly just cover topics that have to due with my YouTube page, however, some other randomness may occur. Feel free to check out the "About Me" and "FAQ" pages for more information. 

Welcome, friends